The Museum of the rose Photo: the Museum of the rose

The Museum of the rose of Kazanlak is a unique Museum, the only of its kind, it is dedicated, as the name implies, the culture of roses. It is located in the long building of the Institute of roses". Not everyone knows that rose is one of the Bulgarian characters. The rose Museum is part of Museum of history Iskra. In 1967, it has organized a small exhibition, the theme of which was the harvest of roses in Kazanluk and surroundings, and in 1969, this exhibition became an independent Museum.

Currently in the Museum of roses, there are over 15,000 items that are associated with the collection and cultivation of color. The birthplace of the oil-bearing rose is considered to be the South China, this variety of roses in Bulgaria was introduced by the Ottoman Turks. Some written sources claim that the cultivation of oil-bearing rose in this country on an industrial scale began with the 1650. But in 1740 a certain French company has brought from Bulgaria the first batch of oil rose, so the rose oil production in Bulgaria was considered to be the preferred raw material in the environment perfumers in France.

The Museum presents original photographs and historical documents on the development of breeding roses, as well as some tools for the plantations of roses, various containers for the storage and export of oil and water of roses. In addition, there is a reconstruction of a warehouse of oil of roses and the first laboratory for the study of rose oil, which was founded in 1912. One of the most interesting Museum exhibits is the vessel in which rose oil is the last time in 1947, but it still comes strong smell of flowers.

The harvest of the roses is still considered one of the most important events in the Valley of roses in Bulgaria, it is traditionally accompanied by a variety of celebrations. Every year there is the Festival of the Roses is one of the most interesting festivals in Bulgaria, he began to celebrate in 1903, celebrated annually during the first weekend of June – flowering time Kazanlak rose. The festival brings in Kazanlak thousands of tourists during the festival hosts a number of events such as the harvest of roses, a demonstration of "rosemarine", international folklore festival, parade and crowning of the Queen of Roses.

In the Museum shop you can buy aromatherapy oils, rose liqueur and jam from rose petals.

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