Kobrin military history Museum named after A. V. Suvorov Photo: Kobrin military history Museum named after A. V. Suvorov

Kobrin military history Museum. Suvorov was established in 1946 by the academic enthusiast Alexis Martynov. The Museum was located in the house of A. V. Suvorov, where the great Russian military leader has lived in 1797 and 1800. The house passed through the generations, resold, changed owners, arrogant attitude to the historical heritage of the Motherland. After the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders house of Suvorov and all were in poor condition.

In the difficult postwar years was restored house-Museum of A. V. Suvorov, was going to collection. Opening of the first exhibition took place on 1 may 1948. It was presented in five halls and had only three sections: "Our great ancestors", "Alexander Suvorov" and "the Patriotic war of 1812".

In 1978, the Museum has undergone extensive renovations and restoration. The layout of the house was restored in the form in which it was in the eighteenth century. November 15, 1980, the Museum was reopened. His exposition was dedicated to the life and work of A. V. Suvorov.

In 1990, it was built an additional building for the Military-historical Museum. The accumulated wealth of material on the history of military Affairs in Belarus from IX to XX century was moved to the new Museum storage and exhibition rooms.

Now on the territory of Kobrin military history Museum. Suvorov has two different kinds of museums: the house-Museum of A. V. Suvorov and military historical Museum. Suvorov.

The Museum actively participates in educational activities and military-Patriotic education of youth. It offers historical reconstruction, lectures, contests. The Museum is included in the international action " Night of museums aimed at popularization of museums and attraction of youth.

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