Worker copper smelter Photo: copper smelter worker

Ethnographers and researchers from all over Russia involve forests of Karelia, full many monuments of the history of our country. One of them is located near the village of concesio, located on the shores of the lake. The history of the village, as the history of the city of Petrozavodsk, originates from the bookmark one of the four state Olonets factories that were built in the 18th century by order of Peter I. the Necessity of construction of the plants was due to the conduct of the Northern war, strengthening the arms and services of the developing Baltic Navy. Many developed mines around the village of concesio — traces of the mining activities of the time.

Under the leadership of the melting wizard Martin wolf Zimmermann, who came from Saxony in a group of mining specialists, 1706 (according to other sources — in 1707) began construction of a factory Worker. By 1708 it was completed. Initially the plant was conceived only as copper smelting, the copper ore was shipped from the North end of Purchasera. However, almost immediately after the introduction of the plant to smelt steel and cast steel, and iron.

Began development of numerous ores within the district. Some deposits, including mine, "Hope", located in rock mass, about 600 metres from Permoser, preserved to this day. But unfortunately, due to bad preservation and the threat of collapse, a visit to this monument metallurgy difficult. Copper ore mining continued here until 1754, mine "Hope" was the main for delivery to the plant. On Uksecure were mining iron ore: on the water with rafts, using a fixed on long poles scoops. Known and other deposits, which bears the picturesque name of "Russian eagle", "the Happiness of God", "Building of God".

Ore production was thoroughly organized and progressive. The company built a laboratory, bivalni, forge, pumping the hut. Soon, due to the influx of workers around the plant occurs Sloboda, later served as the basis for the formation of the village of concesio.

The building of a smelter Worker was represented by a large wooden structure. By 1719, the company was following production facilities: Metalville with two ovens, Molotov workshop, the dam on the river Vikse, blast furnace for the smelting of iron and other. As propulsion forces used water pressure of Permoser (to date, the only preserved remains of the tunnel-the waterfall).

With the end of the Northern war, the need for products Holowecki of state factories has declined, production has begun to decrease, and the company gradually fell into decay. In the summer of 1730 wolf Zimmerman was re-directed back to factory worker as Deputy chief, with the order of Peter to prepare the plant to run after idle. In 1753, the plant switched to production of pig iron for the Alexander factory in 1754-m stops smelting of copper, as in Petrovskaya Sloboda was built its copper smelter. Thus, a plant worker to 1774 goes into maintaining the Alexandrovsky factory, located in Petrozavodsk.

In 1793, as a result of a strong fire almost completely burned down the original wooden structure of the enterprise, and in their place were erected a blast-furnace shop of stone, and in the early 19th century, two outbuildings of brick molded for offices. Prior to the beginning of the next century worker, the plant continued to operate, the main product of cast-iron discs were supplied to Alexandrovsky plant. However, despite the high demand of iron from Olonets province, the plant has remained unprofitable and in 1905 was finally closed.

In Soviet times, the remains of the factory buildings, turned into a single building, were used as workshops in the composition of the farm "worker", perhaps because of this they have survived to the present day. Today from original factory buildings, little remains: only the foundations of some buildings, the remains of buildings, and part of the tunnel, which was supplied to the plant water from Permoser.

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