Marcescence memorial Photo: Marcescence memorial

Marcescence memorial, or memorial "monkey", is a memorial complex in the village of kangaroo. Monkey (from Swedish – "Tyris", Finnish – "Tyrö": thuret) is a historic district, the town of Lomonosov East of railway crossing at the junction of the street Żory Antonenko and Marine street.

Memorial "monkey" is on both sides of the highway St. Petersburg – Lomonosov. In the South you can see the monument-sculpture Soldier-winner of bronze: soldier, dressed in a Cape, shown on the roll in a pillbox embrasure. The memorial was opened in 1975.

Marcescence memorial was established on the site of the graves of the defenders of the Oranienbaum bridgehead, which was carried out in the years of the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945.

In 1946, the first burial was landscaped and fenced meter fence. 3 years later, in 1949, on the South side was built a concrete sculpture of a sailor without a hat. Height – 3 meters. In early August 1974 graves from the Islands Powerful and Small were moved to a mass grave before standing sculpture. In the same year, in the southern district memorial established the symbolic grave of the Hero of Soviet Union Ivan Andreevich Nemcova. There is also the grave of another Hero of the USSR – Kostyleva George Dmitrievich.

In the new redevelopment of the burials were carried out in 1975 when the Northern part was separated from the highway anchor chains. This year is considered the official year of the opening of the memorial "monkey".

In 1983 in the southern part of the memorial plates were hanged with the established names of soldiers. In the same year, autumn sculpture of a sailor dismantled. Instead, in the South side of the memorial was a monument "Feat", which is a sculpture of the Warrior-winner. Designed the new memorial architect Alexander Alymov, and the sculptor was Edward M. Aghayan.

Since 1983, the memorial "monkey" has become a regular place for ceremonies and celebrations in the days of the blockade and May 9 – Victory Day.

In the South-Western side of the memorial are the graves of major General Vyacheslav Timchenko A., Lieutenant-General Anatoly Andreev I., major-General Korobkova Valentin Nikolaevich, Lieutenant General Shcherbakov Vladimir Ivanovich, Chairman of the Executive Committee Oranienbaum city Council of people's deputies during the Second World war Karagina Aleksey Vasilyevich.

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