The estate of Prince G. A. Lvov Photo: the Estate of Prince G. A. Lvov

Originally the estate was called "Borovoe", according to its location in a pine forest, the second name – "Lviv" – she received the surname of the owner – Duke George Alexandrovich Lvov. Born in 1879. In 1904, George graduated from St. Petersburg Institute of communications and worked in the specialty. First – Libava-Romny railway, and since 1906, Nikolaev. In 4 years he has worked as a senior auditor and was III Deputy chief of. But in 1911 lions left the service and started his business activity in which quickly succeeded. In 1912 George Alexandrovich was one of the Directors of the Board of the society of "Oil", Russia's largest mining, refining and trade of oil and petroleum, and from this time all his work was connected with this industry, rapidly evolving and generating quick profit. He was a major shareholder, has joined the Board of Directors and established a Russian oil company: oil industry and trade society "Ter-Akayev And.N."the syndicate With.G. Of Lianozovo, society "Emba" and many others. All of these companies were explored, extracted and processed oil in all the oil-rich parts of the country (Baku, Uhta, Grozny, Fergana, Emba), in addition, transporting and selling oil and oil products. Lviv, become acquainted with the moguls of the industry, becoming a major financial figure, the industrialist, the securities owner and the owner of a million state.

For recreation and business people G. A. Lvov was a country residence where, away from prying eyes and the bustle of the capital could not only entertain, but also to arrange business negotiations. The Prince fell on the Luga region, and in 1918 he purchased a plot of land of 118 acres, located between Cerumenex lake and the road from Luga to Cheremenetsky monastery. He was not only secluded and very scenic, but is located near a railway, which provides excellent links to the capital.

The author of the manor were made by S. P. Ivanov who had a diploma of senior technician, but managed to build an extraordinary estate. Its layout is clear and simple, was designed with regard to terrain features. For a short time steep coastal slope covered with pine trees, was trimmed with wide ledges, as if embedded in boron, which served as a Park. On the middle floor was built a stone house in the neoclassical style, built according to 3-encostas scheme. From the best examples of this architectural direction of those years building the hog differed playback on the facades of almost all of the ABC classic decor. His abundance and rich colors expressed elements in white on a yellow background, gave a "merchant" is, in fact, the house festive, entertaining character. On the terraces were arranged dinners and receptions.

However, Georgy Alexandrovich was not long to enjoy this country estate. Very interesting his will, made shortly before the revolution of 1917. In the case of death, he asks his real estate "Katerinivka" in Vitebsk province to transfer the mother, the rest of real estate to sell and money to make hereditary cash to create inviolable capital. The income was divided between his wife, his mother and the charitable Foundation of the family Lvovich; after the death of his wife and the mother of unspent their money had to go into a charitable organization that is designated "the Society for the suppression of leprosy", "the Society of Russian physicians" for tuberculosis control, "Society of psychiatrists" to education and orphanage for street children of St. Petersburg province.

After the revolution, the hog was built a house for the homeless. In the years 1924-1931, the estate was used as a branch of the sanatorium "Red wave", and in 1940 it was turned into a holiday Home by the NKVD, reunited after world war II. Now here is the sanatorium of the Ministry of interior "Borovoe". Natural and environmental factors of this area is very high and rightly used for therapeutic purposes.

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