Amphitheatre Of The Three Gallium Photo: Amphitheatre Of The Three Gallium

Today a former Roman amphitheater of the Three Gallium in Lyon is one of the city's oldest attractions, as well as a venue for summer concerts and film festival "Night Forvie". But in Roman times there was the oath of allegiance to the Emperor legionaries, but also organized torture and executions of the first Christian martyrs in the second century.

One of the most famous martyrs, who died in this arena, was Saint Blandina. According to the legend, to kill her was only the third attempt – no lions or bulls, to whom she was thrown in the cell, not daring to tear his victim. Then the Roman soldiers raised their swords at her. In memory of Saint Blandina in the South-Eastern part of this building was a monument in the form of a column.

The construction of the amphitheater is defined approximately at 19 year BC. Its name was in honor of three Roman provinces (three Gallium), which is now modern France – Aquitaine, Belgica and Luganskaya Gallium. Prior to the construction of an amphitheater on the site were part of a Gallic village Condat where going to address important issues, representatives of the Gallic tribes. In the Roman times, Lyon was called Lugdunum and was declared the capital of three Gallium.

Near the amphitheater you can also see other attractions of the Roman era – the ancient theatre, the temple of Cybele, the Odeon, the remains of an aqueduct, and all these other buildings are in the area of the hill Forever. There is also the Museum of Gallo-Roman civilization, which presents the treasures of those ancient times – jewelry, weapons, ritual carts, mosaic artworks, bronze tables with a speech of the Emperor Claudius, bronze calendar, and other artifacts found during archaeological excavations in the historical part of Lyon.

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