The Abbey of Santa Maria di Roverano Photo: the Abbey of Santa Maria di Roverano

The Abbey of Santa Maria di Roverano – Cistercian monastery complex in Milan. The area surrounding the Abbey, was once an independent municipality under the name of Chiaravalle Milanese. Now he is part of Milan and the name of the district Chiaravalle.

The Abbey was founded in 1135 and was one of the first examples of Gothic architecture in Italy, although it shows some traces of the late Romanesque style. Originally the Abbey was a few temporary buildings, and the construction of a permanent Church began only in the middle of the 12th century. Work continued in the 13th century, when the South Church was built the first cloister, and in the 14th, when tribune of the Church was surmounted by a tower and refectory was built. In 1412, near the South transept was erected a small chapel, now used as a vestry. And in 1490 the cardinal Ascanio Sforza commissioned the architects Bramante and Giovanni Antonio Amadeo to build a large cloister Chiostro Grande and house of the Chapter.

In the Renaissance, many artists and creators that worked on the decoration of the Abbey, in particular to this period belong the works of Bernardo Luini. In the 17th century on painted walls of the Church labored brothers Giovanni Battista and Giovanni Mauro della Rovere — their frescoes have been preserved to our days.

When in 1798 was created Cisalpine Republic Napoleon, the monastery was partially destroyed. Preserved Church, part of the small cloister, the refectory and some other buildings. And in 1861 was destroyed and the cloister of Bramante is needed for the construction of the railway Milan - Pavia - Genoa.

Until 1894, the year the Abbey of Santa Maria di Roverano remained private property, and only in 1952 it was returned to the order of the Cistercians. In 1970-72, were restored frescoes of the dome, the rest of the restoration work lasted since 2004.

The facade of the Church, unfortunately, has not retained its original appearance is a restoration of the early 20th century. But, if you look closely, you can find elements of architecture of the 17th century, which replaced the original, 13th-century. Deserves attention the main entrance, Dating from the early 16th century. Inside stands can explore the rich Baroque frescoes, which, in General, is not characteristic of Cistercian architecture.

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