Basilica Of Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Photo: Basilica Of Our Lady Of Perpetual Help

Catholic Basilica of our lady of perpetual Help in Brooklyn – a Grand structure. Detached on the corner of 60th street and 5th Avenue gray granite building in the Romanesque style dominates the small houses Brooklyn sunset Park.

The region is located on a hill with stunning views of the Bay and the Manhattan skyline, which is especially good in the setting sun ("sunset" and means "sunset"). Despite its bucolic name, the area has always been industrial. Many of the poor, of immigrants from Europe, worked at the local factories, docks and shipyards – poles, Norwegians, even the Finns, but most of all was the Irish. This is evidenced by the name of the place on which he founded the Church of our lady of perpetual Help, Irish hill.

In 1893 there was opened the first Church, a wooden. She quickly became too small for the growing parish, and in 1905 according to the project of Franz Joseph, Untersee was built a new, so-called "lower Church". "Lower" because there are "upper": in 1928 the building was heightened and acquired its present appearance. In it is actually two temples: on the ground floor of a small, intimate atmosphere (there are served daily Mass), the second – spacious, luxurious, large celebrations.

Monumental structure with its characteristic low bell towers at the sides, a huge arched window on the facade and Windows-roses looks like it was moved here from Europe. The Church was the last masterpiece of Franz Untersee – he has not lived years before completion.

From the beginning the Church was services Redemptorist fathers – monks from the congregation of the most Holy Redeemer. The Redemptorist fathers, whose calling is to bring people the Word of God, and that they care about the famous Byzantine icon of our lady of perpetual Help. This ancient icon in 1865 conveyed to the congregation by Pope Pius IX, asking, as the story goes, to make the way known all over the world. Since then, the Redemptorist fathers everywhere are discovering the Church, dedicated to our lady of perpetual Help. They typically stores a list (copy) icon. The original is in Rome, in the Church of San Alfonso, the founder of the congregation.

In Brooklyn the Basilica, of course, also have a list of precious icons. He was solemnly installed in 1894, and since then many generations of immigrants had prayed before the icon. The Church now continues the tradition of care for immigrants – every Sunday people sing Masses in English, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese languages.

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