Gate of the sun Photo: Gate of the sun

Gate of the sun, perhaps one of the most famous monument of the archaeological site of Tiwanaku. They are not far from lake Titicaca in the La Paz. There was once a seaport and among his remains perfectly preserved ruins of a giant stone structures, among which are the Gates of the Sun. Their height is 3 m, width 4 m. They were created from one piece of stone with a relief image. In the upper part of the gate over the doorway was placed a completely mythical creature that combines the attributes of a human, the snake, the bird and the cat. On the sides of the creature is 48 "man-condors". Their faces are turned towards the centre. The entire surface of the Gate are covered with fanciful characters. In 1949, researchers have deciphered these inscriptions, which were very accurate astronomical calendar. It is surprising that in this calendar year consists of 290 days. And this is ten months, and 24 days and two months and 25 days. Scientists assume that the Gate of the Sun written calendar unearthly civilization. Near the Gate of the Sun has the same Gate of the moon. They are not much different, only a few details in the inscriptions and the image. Previously, the monuments were covered in gold leaf, as evidenced by preserved gold stud on the gate.

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