Clock tower Photo: Clock tower

The clock tower was built in 1741 in the centre of Tatar Pazardzhik (now Pazardjik) and served as the city's clock. Unfortunately, almost no one remembered any details about the appearance of this building. It is assumed that she had the form of a right prism with a hexagonal, octagonal or dodecagonal base. Design stood on a pedestal in the form of a parallelepiped. The watch was in a niche, placed at the top of the pyramid. The inscription on a memorial plaque on one of the walls of the tower reads: "Honest Ibrahim-Aga Hirulog provided as a gift this clock that beat every hour and encouraging the city", below is the year when the clock was installed (on Turkish chronology): "1154".

In 1924, the tower was destroyed, survived only the most durable part of the structure – the base of the pedestal. Its walls, reaching a height of six meters, built of hewn stones. The bell from the tower before 1980 were kept at the school named George Bregova, but then all trace of him is lost.

The only known scholar the picture Clock tower was made shortly before its destruction, in 1923, Professor Ivan Batakliev. Preserved painting by Stoyan Vasilev, where he captured a clock tower.

A few years ago, "rotary club – Pazardjik" acted as the initiator of the restoration of the buildings by the architect Hristo Gerasimov. The project was supposed to rebuild the Clock tower so that as close to its original form. During the construction of the wall of the building was enclosed metal capsule with a message to future generations of Pazardzhik and a brief history of the tower. In 2010 work was completed and on may 21 was held the official opening of the restored monument of culture.

On the remaining six-meter-high stone Foundation built a pyramid with a height of three meters, above which rises a tower in the shape of an octagonal prism. In a niche where the original clock tower was placed sculptures patrons Pazardzhik – Saints Constantine and Helena. The statues made by the sculptor Stephen Lysakovym. Ten-meter tower with small Windows ends hipped gabled roof. Almost under the roof with each of the four sides hang a Swiss watch. The structure reaches a height of 27 meters.

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