Historical Museum Photo: Historical Museum

Historical Museum in the town of Pazardzhik was founded in 1911. The first Museum exposition was opened in 1924. In 2000, the Museum was given the status of a regional.

Regional historical Museum in the town of Pazardzhik is a scientific and cultural Institute, which deals with the collection, study and preservation of cultural and historical heritage of Pazardzhik and Plovdiv.

The Museum is housed in several rooms. The main building, which houses most of the exhibits, was specially designed and built for the needs of the future Museum. The Grand opening was held in 1980. The total exhibition area of 2680 square meters. The exhibition, which covers the history of the development of the local region from the Paleolithic era (C. 100-40 thousand years BC) to the mid-twentieth century, has the following sections: archaeology, history of Bulgaria XV-XIX centuries, modern history, modern history, Ethnography, and others.

The ethnographic collection is located in a separate building is an old house from the Bulgarian revival. House in Baroque style was built in 1850 by craftsmen from the town of Bratsigovo. Previously, he belonged to a rich pazardjik.com merchant Nikolai Christovich. Currently the building has the status of an architectural monument of national value. The Museum, housed in 18 buildings, introduce visitors to the rich spiritual and material culture of the population of Pazardzhik. On the ground floor, devoted to the architecture of the city and the region, you can see photographs and layouts of buildings. The Museum also presents the reconstruction of different areas: the interior of a typical peasant dwelling, equipped shoemaking, sewing and skoracka workshops, urban family room, richly furnished living room of the former owner of the house. On the second floor is the exhibition of the national costume and exhibition devoted to local folklore.

The Museum has its own restoration workshop, a darkroom, a specialized library and a café.

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