The Church of Peter and Paul with Buoy Photo: Peter and Paul Church with Buoy

Near Flat descent originates transverse pletna "wall mayor Boris", which was built in 1309. This wall protects the city from the famous river Pskova and goes to the Church of Peter and Paul with a Buoy placed on the same place during the reign of Grand Prince Dovmont. To have survived is evidence that shortly before the Duke's death in 1299, to the city of Pskov unexpected German troops approached the knights, who cruelly ravaged the surrounding monasteries, including Snetogorsky and Mirozhsky. It is near St. Peter and Paul Church Prince Dovmont dealt a crushing blow to the unexpected German guests.

Still unknown what exactly was the Church of Paul and Peter, who became a symbol and a testimony to the victory of the people of Pskov over the German knights in the late 18th century. Stone Church of Peter and Paul with Buoy was built near the destroyed in 1373 wooden Church; in 1540 the Church was radically rebuilt. It was the last stone of the Peter and Paul temple have survived, having undergone certain alterations and rebuilding.

The " end " - type Peter and Paul Church in modern times plays quite an important role in compositional and architectural appearance of the area. Another four or five centuries ago the Church quadrangle looked a little higher, because the cultural layer reaches a sufficiently large thickness.

Especially monumental and looked solemnly the Church from Chrome, but still more by Zemskova, although we can not say that the temple was distinguished by the large and impressive size. This circumstance contributed to the successful location of the Church on the edge of the cliff and winding coastline; in addition, an important role in General was played by a picturesque silhouette of the entire structure.

The Church fell three global repair, which alternated with almost a century's interval, and has led to what has been lost in some of the chapels, the bell tower at two bays on the South-Western wall of the quadrangle, is the old Chapter and more. In recent times, following the work of restorers was restored some part of the temple.

As for the inner part of the Church, we can emphasize that it was rather peculiar. The Church has four pillars has beautiful detail and contoured arches that rest on pillars connected by arches. The Church of Peter and Paul were in the Northwest and southwest corners of the main tent, which served as a small side-chapels, connected by a wooden choir. With external parts of the North-Western corner of the quadrangle was attached to another chapel, and the fourth and fifth chapels were at their usual places, i.e., the Southeast and northeast corners of the quadrangle had a connection in the form of galleries.

The bizarre appearance of Peter and Paul Church is determined by the combination of the most varied and different domes that surround the main dome. The heads of the aisles and the nave had a coating in the form of shingles, which is fully consistent with tiled input located on the top of the drum, where was found an inscription about the construction of the Church. Modern steel coating head, which is decorated figural embossed and openwork cross, apparently, been implemented at the time of the repair in the early 18th century. The Windows of the drum is made very narrow and have an edge, and the cornice is decorated with a small near peculiar arches-kokoshniks. The facades of the Church, down the side are from the South and North sides, completely unbalanced the end wall curtains. Three low apse are symmetrical and have different heights and tapered coating, and decorated with several rows of squares and triangles, literally pressed into the surface.

In summary, we can say that the Church of Peter and Paul with a Buoy is a type of " end " - type churches and differs from traditional jewelry, which is characteristic of Pskov, namely a kind of ceramic belt, located on the drum, and kremastinou inscription.

In 2006 we completed the restoration work in the temple, and on 12 July of the same year took place the consecration of the temple, then the temple became operational.

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