The Statue Of Christ The Redeemer Photo: The Statue Of Christ The Redeemer

The statue of Christ the Redeemer stands in the former capital of Brazil is Rio de Janeiro. In 2007 she was included in the list of "New seven wonders of the world. Its height is 38 meters, the weight of 1145 tons, a reach of 30 meters. It was built on mount Corcovado, which means "Brokeback mountain". Its name derives from the shape.

In 1859 in Rio de Janeiro arrived father Pedro Maria Boss. He was so surprised by the beauty of the Corcovado mountain, which he proposed to build a religious monument on its summit. The idea was approved, and construction began on the railway leading to the top of the mountain. The railroad was completed to 1884. And the construction of the statue was delayed.

Again talking about building a giant monument in 1921. It was decided that it would be a huge statue of Christ. The opening of the monument was planned to coincide with the centenary of independence of Brazil, which was to take place through the year. Throughout the country was announced the collection of funds. And after the money had been raised, construction began.

Initially, the project was painted by Brazilian artist Carlos Oswald. On its pedestal layout looked like a globe, and Christ standing with outstretched arms. The monument was like a big cross. Later, the engineer Heitor da Silva Costa has changed the shape of the pedestal to the more classical. Due to the impossibility of creating such huge monuments in Brazil, they were engaged in building in France. As a result - in the process of creating the pieces was attended by French sculptor Paul landowski. All component parts of the sculpture was transported by sea, and then was delivered on the top of the mountain by rail. From it to a final place of installation stairs 223 steps. It is called "Snail".

October 12, 1931, occurred the opening and consecration of the monument. In 1965, the statue of Christ the Redeemer was consecrated by Pope Paul VI. Subsequently, the statue was reconstructed many times, and in 2003 the climb was equipped with escalators.

Now the Statue of Christ the Redeemer – the card of Rio de Janeiro. Tourists from all over the world have appreciated the bold project of Brazilian architects and engineers and is now one of the most visited sites in the world.

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