Life-giving source Photo: life-giving source

Near the town of Staraya Russa is not a very large village called Buregi, which is on the border between old Russian and SimSim areas. Special popularity of this village brought an extraordinary spring of life-giving source.

From time immemorial story originates from this source. There is a spring near the road between the village Buregi rural areas Korostin. Information about the exact date of the discovery of the source is nowhere preserved. People are so used to the fact that the spring has, in the postwar period it was closed, people felt not just the disadvantaged, and deprived of anything essential, Holy. It is known that already in the 17th century this key was known and revered for its healing, unique and unrepeatable drinking water. Water from this source will be carrying people to the power and favor from the very depths of the earth. The people loved and revered this place. All saints holidays they came to the spring for water, because truly believed that in those days the power source is doubled.

Donations collected by the inhabitants of the surrounding villages and nearby villages, in the 19th century there was built a small chapel in honor of the icon of the Holy Theotokos the life-giving spring, and with it a small pool.

The difficult war years and the postwar period was rare for the source for years, full of challenges. The territory is completely covered with weeds, old chapel fell into disrepair and collapsed. By the 1980s, this place was absolutely running. The midst of the earth, grass and debris spring was almost impossible to find.

To clean and restore this rare live source began only in the late 1990-ies. Archimandrite Agathangelos, which in those years the rector of the resurrection Cathedral, which is located in Staraya Russa, a special role belongs in a decorous act. This caring person decided to return to the Holy place of the former kind, and to build a new chapel and the pool. The population of the nearby villages enthusiastically responded to the requests of the father Agafangel of assistance that anyone could provide on forces. Were removed the weeds, the place cleared, covering the spring boulders removed. A little later there was built a small wooden carved canopy and chapel, visible from a passing vehicle. At the location of the old chapel was erected a high wooden cross. From the road to the spring was laid simple, but very convenient to the path of the stone.

Today this place is very popular among the inhabitants of the town of Staraya Russa, Novgorod, and villages. However, there are people here from all corners of our country. At a reasonable price in the Parking lot next to the chapel is always a large number of machines. People with great pleasure that stop here to rest and to drink extremely healing water. Water flows through the pipe, it is convenient and easy to drink and fill bottles with you.

Scientists have established the beneficial properties of water that allow it to be called unique. The water is rich in a large amount of silver ions contained in it, which is why it is absolutely pure and wholesome. The mineral content of water from this source is small. It can be safely drunk by people, who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. According to popular belief it is known that the water people were healed from cancer, got rid of the blindness, paralysis. Water is pure, clear and very pleasant to the taste. For over a decade pleases all passing is a cozy and modest, who people the name Agathangelos source.

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