The Museum Of A. A. Durov Photo: Museum Of A. A. Durov

The Museum of A. A. Durov, representative of the famous circus dynasty, is located in a small architectural monument of art Nouveau on Frunze street in the city of Taganrog. The house was built in 1900 and was owned by G. F. Potseluev.

The Durov family in the beginning of the century traveled with tours throughout Russia, father - Anatoly Leonidovich Durov - was famous for its humorous and satirical performances and at the same time, not wanting his son, sent him to study accounting courses at. But instead, the young actor is enrolled in drama school I. Chernozubova and soon became quite a talented artist. But owing, probably, genetic relationship, moved from the theatre to the circus Nikitin, where he performed under the pseudonym Tolly.

After his father's death in 1916 of typhoid, Anatoly together with the troupe in 1920 he went abroad on tour. But since Russian humor was not always clear to a foreign audience, he decided to combine the talent of the actor and trainer creating a unique "Theater of animals". Europe waited trembling touring circus, contracts with 16 countries of Europe and America were painted for 3 years - it was the hour of the artist. On stage at the same time acted to 30 animals, and without the trainer they played carefully crafted performances.

From may 1925 A. A. Durov has toured in Russia with stunning success. While on tour in Rostov-on-don, he was invited to Taganrog, on the feast Day of the city". Here he bought two estates in which the Durov family and all their animals settled in September 1926. Since they had more than 300 animals, and they all fit in the room, some of the artists he lived in a stone house across from the circus and everyone is free to watch exotic animals overseas.

The life of a famous artist ended abruptly and tragically: before the tour in India and China, he decided to call in Izhevsk, where in the early 19th century residence of his great-grandmother cavalry-girl N. And.Durov. Being on a walk, he was shot for unknown reasons. The trial, which took place almost a year later, almost justified the murderer, appointing him a suspended sentence.

In 1987, in the house where he lived Durovs, was opened an exhibition dedicated to famous trainer A. A. Durova. The exhibits of the Museum tell about the creative ways the artist and his methods of training, foreign tours, the disciples and followers, the documentary film 1920, filmed on his show, the famous "Dog wedding". The Museum houses about 2 thousand original artifacts, documents, contracts, letters of the artist.

Currently the Museum is part of the Taganrog state literary and historical-architectural Museum.

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