The třeboň monastery and Church of St. Elijah and the virgin Mary Photo: the Třeboň monastery and Church of St. Elijah and the virgin Mary

Augustinian monastery in Trebon is one of the main local historical monuments. It was founded for Catholic Augustinian four brothers-owners of the city – representatives of the rožmberk family. This noble family has owned Trebon to 1660. Almost all of the significant buildings of the city, including the castle that were funded by these aristocrats.

The třeboň monastery appeared in the center of the city in the fourteenth century. 20 years after the founding of the monastery built a temple, consecrated by the names of St. Elijah and the virgin Mary. The fact that local residents have long worshipped this Holy. Before the advent of Třeboň monastery existed here in the parish of St. Giles. In this monastic Church kept an amazing work of art – "the Třeboň altar, built in Gothic style in the fourteenth century. The name of the author of this masterpiece has not reached our days, but it is known that he was a local and very well respected master.

The monastery owned 7 villages prospered and grew rich, getting more privileges. So, in 1389 by the local monks were able to choose their own Abbot.

The local monastery was not damaged during the Hussite wars, as enjoyed the patronage of Oldrich II Rosenberg, lives there.

In the XVI century the monastery was closed because of corruption in the monastic environment and the almost complete ruin of the Abbey. All the monastic possessions became the property of the Rosenberg. In 1631, at the insistence of king Ferdinand II, the monastery was restored. His new Manager arrived from Austria, and promised to restore order in the monastery entrusted to him.

By 1738, all restoration work was completed, and the local monastery once again became the center of education, science and faith. By the middle of XVIII century the monastery was greatly expanded: it appeared some of the host building, the mansion of the Abbot, the chapel of St. Barbara.

Having survived the great fire of 1771, the monastery was closed because of Imperial reform. Nowadays, the monastery is open for visitors.

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