Archaeological reserve Photo: Archaeological reserve "Abritus"

Archaeological reserve "Abritus" – Museum under the open sky with a total area of 100 hectares, where the remains of the ancient Roman city of the same name. Is the reserve a couple of kilometers to the East from the town of Razgrad, not far from the road Ruse – Varna.

The settlement was founded on the ruins of the ancient Thracian settlement in the late 1st century ad – the Romans built their military camp. Further from the camp, the settlement grew into a full-fledged large urban centre on the territory of Lower Moesia – the province of Rome, located on the site of present-day Northern Bulgaria.

Ancient authors Abritus mentioned in connection with the battle of the year 251, occurred in its vicinity, because among the dead was also the Emperor Trajan Decius. In the 4th century was completed the construction of a fortress with four gates and a strong wall, the thickness of which reached three meters, height – 12 meters. In addition, the fortress was also 35 battle towers. Within 5-6 centuries Abritus becomes an important Christian center. The city was repeatedly exposed to the raids, in the end it was destroyed by the Avars and Slavs in the late 6th century. 9th-10th century at the same place was a Bulgarian fortress.

Today you can see the remains of the peristyle complex: courtyard rectangular shape in the middle of the building. Once it was the residence of the Supreme state Council. The South side of the facade on both sides of the main entrance was occupied by six stores. On the four sides of the courtyard are the columns in the Roman ionic style.

The reserve has an archaeological Museum, which displays some of the artefacts found in the area during the excavation. All in all, the archaeological composition consists of five departments, demonstrating the development of mankind. In addition, Arbutus was found the largest in Bulgaria a treasure of gold coins, dated to the 5th century. The Museum displays photographs of them.

All major findings are exposed in the Museum under the open sky. About seventy monuments, some of which relates to the Roman era, is exhibited in the Park area of the reserve. Here you can see the finds that are associated with pagan worship. Many inscriptions in Greek and in Latin indicate that for centuries Arbitus was inhabited by various peoples.

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