Assumption Cathedral of the Knyaginin convent Photo: the assumption Cathedral of the Knyaginin convent

In 1200-1201, in the center of the courtyard of the Princess ' convent was built the Cathedral of the assumption. The building has been preserved, and the present Church was erected on the site of the ancient at the turn of XV-XVI centuries. During the construction were used the remaining parts of the walls of the old buildings.

Modern Uspenski Cathedral is the largest brick Church with 2 umya aisles, a gallery and a massive head. External walls finish Gables, above which rise tier 2 keel corbel arches, which became the base for a light reel.

In the lower area of the Cathedral visible boundary of transition from the old walls of the ancient temple to the later part. Old brick was thin, made from a mixture of lime mortar and brick chips. The Cathedral could be entered through the portals, and were discovered during the excavations colored majolica tiles, which were laid to the floor in an ancient Cathedral.

The chroniclers show that in the walls of the Church in the XIII century, was buried Duchess Maria, who founded the monastery, her sister Anna and daughter of Prince Alexander Nevsky. The tombs are located in the outer walls of the side facades. This suggests that in ancient times the Eastern corners of the building adjacent to the side of the tomb.

In the decoration of the temple serve as a reminder of its ancient predecessor kreschatye pillars of the semicircle of the apse and a small part in the North wall. However, the nature of the current interior bears the imprint of the boundaries of the XV-XVI centuries. The space of the Cathedral filled with light and space, the infinite expanse of the walls creates the impression of the whole space. Arch installed on the dome, there are steps to the vaults of the side naves. This is the best condition for illumination through the Windows of the drum.

The researchers suggest that the builders tried to reproduce the appearance of an ancient temple, as the features of this building can be traced in the buildings of pre-Mongol Russia.

The walls of the temple completely covers frescoes were cleaned by restorers in the Soviet period. The painting was made in the middle of the XVII century by order of Russian Patriarch Joseph. Worked at the Cathedral artists from Moscow under the leadership of master Mark Matveeva.

In the vault of the apse is one of the biggest songs of painting. It outlines the plot, which reveals the main mystery – turning wine and bread into blood and flesh of the Savior. The Holy gifts are angels. Probably for this reason an incredible number of colorful images gave the song the title " the Great exit.

Right and left apsidny visible wall composition on the subject of the Communion of the apostles by Christ. On the front plane of the chancel-arch is a fresco representing a huge picture on the subject of the assumption. The narrative of the acts of the virgin continued in the mural on the South wall of the Cathedral. It presents a complex symbolic images of miracles that are associated with life and posthumous apparitions of the virgin Mary. Scientists have noted the presence in the painting of the Church walls are images of the princes of Vladimir, including Andrei Bogolyubsky.

In the corner of cross vaults are large image of Christ, the Almighty and the virgin. But the most vivid impression of the scene of the last judgment, located on the Western wall of the temple. She performed superbly. The artists have managed to successfully overcome the complexity of the plot and to create a clear, comprehensive composition, understandable to the viewer. In creating compositions used cherry-red, purple-violet, greenish-blue and Golden tones. The shape of the sharpened images, real and fantastic creatures look graceful and fragile. The celestials and a few people worried. Being in harmony with the interior of the Cathedral, the painting gives a happy mood, despite the dark nature of the plot.

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