Memorial Museum R. L. Samoilovich Photo: Museum R. L. Samoilovich

Memorial Museum of the famous revolutionary, Explorer of the Arctic and Director of the Arctic Institute R. L. Samoilovich in the city of Azov was opened in 1981, It is located at Leningradskaya street in the house where he was born and lived Samoilovich with his family. This is the only in Russia Museum dedicated to this talented polar scientist.

The exposition of the memorial Museum consists of three parts, namely: memorial rooms, exhibitions "Northerner forever" and "life is a journey." In the memorial room has been recreated the interior of the end of XIX century - early XX art with authentic objects, photographs, personal belongings and archival findings. The results of the research activities is represented in the fine materials and artistic compositions. Museum visitors have the opportunity to learn about the life and work of the famous polar Explorer, after whom were named the North Bay on the Ground Strait to the Franz-Joseph, Peninsula, mountain, Cape in Antarctica and the island in the Kara sea.

Future Arctic Explorer and founder of the Leningrad Arctic Institute Rudolf Samoilovich was born in 1881 in Azov. In 1928, he led an expedition on the icebreaker "Krasin", which was engaged in the rescue of the U. Nobile and his compatriots. Thanks to this Samoilovich became known to the whole world. In 30-ies. doctor of geographical Sciences has become one of the leaders of international society "Euroarctic", geographical society of the USSR, an honorary member of the international Maritime arbitration and a member of the geographical societies of Austria, USA, Sweden. In 1939 he was shot, and rehabilitated in 1957. On account of R. L. Samoilovich 21 the expedition, their scientific heritage is significant to the present day.

In September 2011, the 130th anniversary since the birth of the researcher and the 30th anniversary of the Museum staff of the Azov Museum opened a new exhibition. Currently the name of the scholar Samoilovych undeservedly forgotten.

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