The memorial complex Photo: the Memorial complex "Brest hero fortress"

The memorial complex "Brest fortress-hero" and included in its composition the Museum of Brest fortress – a monument to the courageous defense of the Belarusian people from the German-fascist invaders and the most memorable memorial of the great Patriotic war not only on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, but also in all the countries of the former USSR.

The memorial complex was built in the years 1969-71. On its creation worked best sculptors in the country A. Kibalnikov, A. Bembel, V. Bobyl, architects V. King, V. Volchek, V. Sankovich, Y. Kazakov, O. stakhovich, G. Sysoev. The entrance is a monument with punched it a huge five-pointed star, under which are the words of the celebrated Alexandrov song "Holy war".

The memorial complex includes a Museum of Brest fortress, the Bayonet obelisk, Plaza Ceremonies, monument "Thirst", the monument "Courage".

Before the war officially started on the territory of the USSR Brest fortress was bombed in September 2, 1939. Brest fortress was subjected to artillery strike in the first hours of the great Patriotic war. Due to the sudden well-organized massive fire, the defenders of the Brest fortress was taken by surprise. Destroyed the water supply, warehouses, broken link. The surviving defenders of the Brest fortress was dying, suffering from hunger and thirst.

For the heroic resistance of the Brest fortress in 1965 was awarded the title "Hero-Fortress". In the Soviet Union of Brest fortress was paid a lot of attention and money, therefore the memorial complex and Museum make a strong impression.

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