Holiday complex and the Botanical garden Kristaps Morberg Photo: holiday complex and the Botanical garden Kristaps Morberg

One of the most beautiful attractions of the city Jurmala is the Villa complex and the Botanical garden Kristaps Morberg. This monument is located in Dzintari. It was established in 1883. The holiday complex is an example of wooden Gothic revival architecture.

The owner of the cottage was a Latvian Builder, famous architect and renowned philanthropist Kristaps Morberg who made his fortune in the construction of the Boulevard ring in Riga.

The appearance of the villas impresses. It is an architectural masterpiece with magnificent stained glass Windows, verandas and crenellated towers with pinwheels. The amazing thing is that practically nobody knows any. This is because it is situated outside the lively Jomas street, where rests the majority of tourists. In Soviet times the building reserved "under the wing" of the state, was a sanatorium named after Gorky, as in the old cellar there were popular in his time, "Balsam–bar". Currently on site bar built an impressive fence of brick.

Kristaps Morberg bequeathed to his country home to the Latvian University. So there began a large-scale restoration activities. At the expense of the state and EU funds for the revival of amazing monument was invested about 3 million US dollars. Not so long ago holiday complex was restored. The main building of cottages, a small Lodge and castle cellar has acquired almost its original shape and very handsome. Managed to recover and historical location of the paths in the garden, which seemed to be hopelessly lost.

Now for a nominal donation, anyone can see the elegant building of cottages of Morberg and the surrounding Park. Visitors who interested in the personality of the famous millionaire, history and architecture of the building, will be able to learn about these interesting facts on the tour. It is held by the students of the University of Latvia.

Kristaps Morberg bequeathed to the Foundation of the University of Latvia not only his Jurmala the country, but 9 apartment buildings in Riga, the proceeds went to support the students. Here was created a wonderful Botanical garden with exotic plants. Many of them come and still. Taking care of your own orangery was for Morberg favorite thing to do. And in the cellar he had grown mushrooms. Later this cellar has been converted into the famous balsamic vinegar sauce bar. And yet there was a wine cellar and stables.

Kristaps Morberg myself have designed our own country home. He loved to experiment and implement their own ideas to create a home environment. Well, for example, inside the house the walls were decorated with the iron to warmth is kept longer. And drainpipes from the roof were lowered directly into the basement, where rainwater was collected in a special tank for watering your favorite plants. The rooms still you can see the old Wallpaper, some of which is hand-drawn. Ceiling in living room decorated with narrative painting. Gourmet tiled stoves and stained glass Windows in the wall are a true work of art.

The greatest interest among visitors is the identity Kristaps Morberg. After all, his vast fortune millionaire gave the Latvian University on the establishment of a scholarship in their name for gifted students.

In Jurmala there are countless monuments of architecture, but, without a doubt, this pearl of the sea out of the competition!

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