Kitaygorodskiy cut Photo: Kitaygorodskiy cut

Start Kitay-Gorod cut - geological Kitay-Gorod outcrop is located on the left side of the village Ternava and runs around the hillside on the outskirts of Kitai-Gorod. This detached occupies an area of 60 ha. a small part of the sediments, mainly sandstones, located in the floodplain of the river after raising the water level in the 83-84 years of the 20th century covered with water.

However, the cut and still retains its uniqueness, which is that only in the area of the village Chinatown Silurian deposits are observed in the full cut. Based on the results of the study of the Silurian sediments of this region produced a selection of three horizons Podolsky upper Silurian: upper horizon – limestone, medium – shales, the lower horizon of the Sandstone. Due to the fact that the fossils come only in limestone (upper) horizon, its age can be determined most accurately.

Scientists say that Kitaygorodskiy incision is a unique geological landmark of national importance. However, since places in the world where Silurian rocks occur in full section, of a very few, this exposure can and should be attributed to a world geological heritage.

Near the incision stretches Kitaigorodskii forest, which is the Botanical reserve of the local value. Growing in him the rare Orchid species are of great value. At Kitai-Gorod wall there are also relics of severely Podolsky and miraculously found himself in this place hisap drug. There are several versions of the appearance here this rare plant. Or he "came" on the Dniester from the South, and all kinds of Mediterranean flora, or it brought the monks for breeding at its "pharmaceutical garden".

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