The Catacombs Of Torre Pinta Photo: The Catacombs Of Torre Pinta

On the territory of Salento Peninsula – the "Italian heel" - has survived countless towers lofts is built around the coast in ancient times. A few miles South of Otranto, in the Valle delle Memorie, on a high hill stands the round tower of Torre Pinta, which dominates the surroundings. This is one of the most characteristic samples of pigeon lofts, built by Christians in the form of a Latin cross. Three short "wing" of the cross are strictly oriented to the West, South and East, and the dark gallery, correlated with a long "wing", facing North. All niches and low ceiling wide corridor visible deep traces left by dovish claws. And, if you pay at Torre Pinta more attention, it is possible to see some features related to ancient messapico culture, such as the furnace, which was used for cremation, hundreds of hollows, which kept the urn with the ashes of the dead, or the stone step along the wall, where, according to legend, left the dead. Today it is believed that messapi built Torre Pinta.

Found this tower was in August 1976, the year the Milanese architect Antonio Suzini, who was firmly convinced that many small little room, found inside were designed for keeping pigeons. Moreover, the strategic location allows us to assume that there could stop pigeons who "served" the Bourbon troops garrisoned in Otranto. The oldest part of Torre Pinta – actually, the round tower, dates from the middle ages.

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