Grand mosque Photo: the Great mosque

The most famous attraction of the city is the Great mosque. It was erected in 850-851, Emir Abul Abbas Muhammad out of the aghlabid dynasty of. The building was constructed similar to Carrascoy mosque of Sidi Okba. The courtyard gallery and the mosque were built in the 1650's, and the entire complex, including prayer rooms, was renovated in the 60-70-ies of XX century.

The mosque is easily recognized by the unusual appearance, because she looks more like a building with two guard towers on the South-Eastern and Northern ends, i.e. some kind of military building. The plan of the mosque is not a coincidence - before she executed the role of defenses. During the warrior with the Christians, the mosque was expanded in size - rebuilt for new rooms and passages. The main feature of the mosque is the minaret, accessible by stairs from the courtyard. In the walls of the building, facing the courtyard, cut through numerous loopholes. Every loophole is decorated with semicircular arches and painted Kufic pattern. In the XX century the building was returned to its original appearance by removing some relatively recent construction.

In the architectural composition of the mosque there are several styles, including Roman: halls for prayer and gallery courtyard decorated with Roman columns with elaborately carved marble capitals. The ceiling of the galleries are painted and decorated with carved vaulted structures.

The mosque has a Museum with many relics open to all visitors, but the prayer halls are allowed to enter only Muslims.

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