Hassan Tower Photo: Hassan Tower

One of the main attractions of the capital of Morocco Rabat is famous Hassan Tower. In the XII century Sultan Yacoub al-Mansour decided to build in Rabat new residence with the mosque, which was to become the most magnificent building in the Islamic world. The construction of the mosque was begun in 1195, It was built of pink stone. The main decoration of the mosque served as the arches and the decorative bas-relief in the form of a lattice.

At that time the mosque Hassan had three courtyards, more than 400 columns and 16 doors. Its total area was to be more than 25 thousand sq. m. Stairs of the minaret were arranged so that the Sultan could make it to the top without Dismounting from his stallion. But the dream of the Sultan was never fulfilled. Unfortunately, in 1199, Yacoub al-Mansour died before the end of the construction works. After the death of Sultan, the construction stopped. After some time, the building was disassembled. All that is left is the wreckage, about 260 columns and erected a minaret tower. In 1956, the locals declared the minaret of the national Shrine.

The height of the tetrahedral Hassan tower is 44 meters, and it was planned more than 60 m. the Upper levels of the tower is ornamented with the lower levels and corners smooth. The main decoration of her arches are.

Looks very nice tower during sunset, when the sun's rays in an extraordinary way to show off your silhouette. To date, the Hassan Tower in Rabat is a symbol of the capital of Morocco.

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