Alekseevskaya Church Nikolaev Klobukova monastery Photo: Alekseevskaya Church Nikolaev Klobukova monastery

Located in the city of Kashin Nikolaev Hoods monastery has always been famous for its majestic stone temples. One of the main cathedrals of the Church in honour of the Holy Trinity, which were consecrated in the name of Saint Nicholas chapel. This temple was built in the second half of the 17th century, but today this structure is in ruins. The second temple was built in 1851, after which it was consecrated in honor of the apostles Peter and Paul. Today the Cathedral is the only dilapidated walls and a roof. The third Cathedral – Church of St. Alexius, who was the Metropolitan of Moscow. This Church occupies a Central position in the complex of the Nikolaev Klobukova monastery.

St Alexis Church is located in the South-Eastern side of the Nikolaev monastery and increasingly attracts attention. The erection of the Church occurred on allocated cash rich merchants Zdanovich in the period between 1851 and 1854. The temple has a rather massive size and large Central volume, which at the time was important for the entire community. Staging such an impressive volume in the past revealed the diagonal axis of the complex, what a great way secured the line of the Eastern and Western facades of the Alekseevsky temple. With regard to the external appearance of the temple, and his silhouette, they especially like the proportions of the Trinity Cathedral. After was completely lost octagon Church, the Church in the name of the Metropolitan of Moscow Alexy began to occupy a Central place among other buildings Klobukova monastery.

In the question of the stylistic component of the St. Aleksey Church it is important to note that it is also more reminiscent of the Trinity gate Church, was established by the famous Sretensky monastery. The only difference was that the temple had more severe classic form, typical of geometrism, while in the facades perfectly expressed some coldness and stiffness, which belonged to the late classicism style. The epicenter of the St. Aleksey Church is made in the form of a cube quadrangle is developed with powerful drum disposed vertically, as well as large spherical dome. With the Eastern and Western sides of the Central portion of the augmented low parallelepipeds, speakers presented the altar and quite spacious and roomy refectory room. Both a representative portion of the composition is transferred to a certain horizontal length, and also bring three-dimensional form of the building to the classical structure, usually characteristic wooden churches.

The surface of the walls of the temple are made perfectly straight; they are decorated using white stone eaves, fitted with brackets. Pilaster portico altar made of flattened and merges with the plane of the facade. A pair of four-columned portico with unusual Gables in the past belonged to the quadrangle, but today from them there were only two columns. Unusual for that time, the freedom of design is characteristic of the column capitals, which makes them unique. On the edges of small ionic volutes stretches of white stone plate or Abaca, which is somewhat inconsistent with Ahinoam and Doric Fust. A curious clearance reveals the principle used in the construction is to be arranged directly under the material, even by way of derogation from the traditional canons.

From West to Alexeyevsky of the temple is adjacent built in 1903, the chapel, which in the past was covered by using a four-sided tent. Chapel performed the role of case stretching over built of wood cells – here lived the monk Makarii. The decoration of the facade is particularly close to the style of "ornament", characteristic of the 17th century. Trim lined with exposed brick, as well as corbels and pilasters, which gives a few hard and even rough appearance.

Today Alekseevskaya Church Klobukova monastery is still functioning and represent a true monument of architecture.

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