Kashin history Museum Photo: Kashin history Museum

Kashin history Museum is a branch of the Tver United Museum, located on the basin area. The Museum was founded in 1918
To visit it was opened on 2 February 1919 at First, the Museum was called the Historical-archaeological and located in the building of the City Duma. Later (in 1936), he moved into the building Whodo-the Jerusalem Church.

This Church exists in Cascina for more than six centuries. The first Church was wooden, stone Church on the same site was built in 1774-1789, This architectural monument does not fit the traditional canons of architecture and thereby gives a special charm to the Southeast of Cascina. The building of the temple, as if finishes the ascent of the hill. On the East side it seems very easy and literally flying into the sky. This effect is achieved in that the quadrangle of two floors and the apse significantly stretched upwards. The height of the building with crosses three times its width.

The blade raskreposcheny on the corners of the apse multiply the number rising up lines. Vertical movement is interrupted by a horizontal Attica with a multi-profiled rods and profiled filename. The attic forms the podium for the heads and well evens the basis of their arrangement. Completion in the form of heaving domes and columns-drums reminiscent of the crowns on the stems. The facades of the Church is rather modest. Connection converted parts of ancient temples with classic (blades, attic) was typical of provincial architecture of the 18th century the First floor of the refectory combined with winter Church wide arch and is connected with North chapel. A small bell tower above the refectory in 1815 - 1816, was replaced by a three-tiered structure, of which only the lower tier of arches, corner columns, pilasters. Bright porch connects all parts of the building.

The exhibits, which are now exhibited in the Museum, going for a century. The collection started Kashinsky merchant, the lover of antiquity I. Y. Continum. By the time of the opening of the Museum's rich collection consisted of more than 5 thousand items.

Modern exposition was created in 1992 It consists of nine halls, with sections on the life of peasants and urban dwellers, local fisheries. Among the many exhibits are the items that attracted the attention of specialists. These unique pieces are painted wood paired the marriage crowns, brought from Kozinski Church. According to the legend, they were crowned with St. Macarius of Kalyazin in the 15th century Also deserve the attention of the Royal gates belonging to the second half of the 18th century depicting scenes of the Annunciation and the evangelists, a sculpture of Christ in a crown of thorns Made in the 19th century the harvesting of the three boards it quite accurately conveys the plasticity of the human body.

One of the sections of the Museum is dedicated Kashinsky artists, namely the workshop of E. G. Polushkina in Tavolino, which was engaged in the design, manufacture and gilded iconostasis, and art and painting Studio of icon painting and gilding work.

In the Museum you can get acquainted with samples of peasant clothing of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. also of Interest is the interior of the living Ustinovskiy estate landlords Lihacheva. The furniture belongs to the late classical period, the bronze ware made in the Empire style. Here you can see the unique rotary watches famous Parisian master Thomire, a collection of Sevres porcelain, painted on which is dedicated to the glorification of Napoleon. The Museum also contains remnants of the estate family portrait galleries, household items merchants Kashin.

Significant place in the collection of the Museum take photos. Mostly, this old Kashin, V. A. performed Capatilisim, the heyday of his work came in the late 19th-early 20th centuries.

Kashin history Museum offers tours and lectures on the history of Cascina, its urban system, the crafts and trades of the ancient Cascina, the ancient dress of the Petrine epoch in the development of the Kashinsky province, Russian estate culture, Mikhail of Tver, the spiritual symbol of the land of Tver, Anna Kashinsky – the patron Saint of the city, the architectural monuments of the city and lots more.

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