Peter and Paul Church Photo: Peter and Paul Church

Peter and Paul Church in the East was built in 1782, It refers to the representation of the Nikolaev Klobukova monastery.

The Church is first mentioned in the cadastres in 1621 Then it was made of wood and stood on the Bank of Kalinki, so the flood was constantly flooded during. For this reason, the temple was moved in 1780-82, market square and built of stone.

The big octagon rises above a double-height volume, but the massiveness of the upper part of the balanced light flashlight with domes. The height of a five-sided apse is equal to the height of the lower lights of the square, and the refectory, which is stretched perpendicularly to the axis of the building. Due to the small length of the bell tower and refectory main volume ratios (for traditional Church buildings Kashin). The tiers are ringing variation diagrams octagon quadrangle and end up rapidly ascended the spire-needle. The composition of the building is reduced by additions from the North-West side.

Modest treatment of the facades combines the motifs of early classicism and Baroque. This combination of historically different, but related elements shows the peculiar handwriting of local craftsmen. All architectural design details – rectangular niches, blades, frames with hangers and aprons, keystones are associated with the construction of the temple. Inside, the temple has a vertical column-like space.

In the Soviet period, when the rest of the town's churches were closed, the Peter and Paul Church was the only acting. In 1934, the Church removed the bells and the iconostasis was dismantled. The interior decoration of the temple was begun in the 1940s, were resumed and worship.

In 1986, during a thunderstorm broke up the bell tower. Because of the emergency condition of the Church was closed for restoration. Instead, the believers were given the Church of the Nativity on the hill, the second Cathedral of Cascina. The interior of Peter and Paul's Church and the Shrine of the Saint Anna of Kashin were transferred to the Church of the Nativity of Christ on the Mountain. After the restoration of the Church and the spire of the bell tower of the Church services were resumed. The interior of the Church was restored through the help and donations of parishioners. At the urgent request Kashintsev the temple was returned to believers and was originally a separate parish, and in 1999 by Decree of the Ruling Bishop became the representation of the Nikolaev Klobukova monastery.

In 2008 Peter and Paul Church funeral popular radio and TV presenter G. Bachinsky, who donated the funds Klobukova monastery. After 2008, the temple was closed because of the danger of its destruction. Removed the spire from the tower.

Now repaired and fortified the spire on the bell tower (replaced fasteners, underlayment, wood base, sheathing metal plating), repaired the floors in the bell tower and installed metal fence, surveyed the Foundation of the building, under the threat of collapse emergency corner of the temple poured concrete pad, replaced the window frames of the third tier of the Church, repaired the heating system.

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