Mogilev drama theatre Photo: Mogilev drama theatre

Mogilev regional drama theater is one of the most beautiful buildings of the city. Built in the years 1886-1888 by architect P. Kamburova and engineer V. Bilanovskogo. The red brick building, rectangular in plan with two "turrets" at the corners. The auditorium holds 500 people.

The idea to create in Mogilev the theatre came up with the urban community in the late nineteenth century. Deliberated for a long time and decided where to build it. Decided that the best place is on the square near Muravyov Park near Noble street. "Theatre, built on the median for the entire city place, will present the most pleasurable of visits by residents of all parts of the city, and also that planned to build the building in a very artistic style, adorn the city in the Central part of".

May 15, 1888 in the theatre gave the premiere of Amateur performance. Everyone wanted to visit the new theatre, so the tickets ended rapidly, and the performance was a full house. However, to get his professional theatrical troupe Mogilev drama theatre was possible far not at once. For a long time on the stage were numerous touring bands.

The first Russian theatre on the stage of the Mogilev drama theatre has managed to organize V. Gomelsky – famous Belarusian actor, who worked on the stage of the Mogilev from 1929 to 1939. Then he formed his team was invited to work in Minsk.

After the war in the theater again has no permanent home until 1954, when in Mogilev moved Pinsk regional drama theatre. October 29, 1954, the opening of the theatre the premiere of performance "Yaroslav the Wise".

From then on the stage of the Mogilev regional drama theatre had many own and touring theatre groups. Theatre life went on with varying success, but grateful Mogilev public is always welcomed all new and fresh in the repertory.

In the early 90 years, the theater fell on hard times. Economic instability in the country, the General decline of the culture and mores have not contributed to the development of theatrical art. And the theater building had fallen into disrepair, required a major overhaul. The building was closed for reconstruction, and the theater troupe performed in other rooms and toured the country.

With the beginning of the new century has come the best of times in Mogilev drama theatre. Opened after a long renovation the room was updated and modern equipment. The theatre was joined by young creative Directors and actors. Now Mogilev drama theater of well-deserved love and glory.

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