Maillol Museum Photo: Museum Of Maillol

Maillol Museum gives you the opportunity to learn not only the largest collection of works by Aristide Maillol, the eminent French sculptor and painter, but also with the works of Cezanne, Degas, Ingres, Matisse, Picasso, Rodin, Kandinsky. Most of them Mayol, who has lived a very long life, was personally acquainted and friendly.

A native of the South of France, Mayol came to Paris and took up sculpture here only in his forties. His first exhibition was visited by Rodin himself – and was delighted. Mayol received the blessing of the great master and went on his own way: he molded a strong and peaceful women, its plastic was easy and natural. In 1934 semidesyatitrehletny sculptor met fifteen-year-old girl from Chisinau Dina Vierny – she became his friend, Muse, model.

In the years of occupation Mayol and Back had left Paris and settled in the South, in Banyuls-sur-Mer. Life here seemed almost normal, the sculptor worked. It is believed that Dean was helping people escape the Nazis, escape to Spain "path Maillol" through the Pyrenees. Meanwhile in Paris, where the beginning of act Resistance, the Nazis launched the hunt for Jews. And when the Germans occupied all of France, over the Jewish Dina mortal danger.

Perhaps in saving it played a role, the fact that the old Mayol accepted the invitation to the opening of the Paris exhibition official sculptor of the Third Reich Arno Breker. Brecker wrote that at the request of Maillol he made the boss of the Gestapo Muller release of the arrested Dina. But after the Release of the sculptor was accused of collaborationism. In September 1944 Aristide Maillol died in a car accident – there is a theory that to her and put his hands one of the Resistance groups.

Everything and all works Mayol bequeathed Dina Verni. In 1964, some of the sculptures Dean, who became a famous interviewer, donated France – they are installed in the Tuileries gardens. For this reason it is raised to the rank of commander of the Legion of Honor. In 1995, the Foundation Dina Vierny created in the old mansion of the Faubourg Saint-Germain Maillol Museum. Here, on the area more than four thousand square meters, there are hundreds of sculptures, paintings, prints, terracotta, works of applied art.

The Museum regularly hosts exhibitions of works of many artists and sculptors from around the world.

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