The Museum of plans-reliefs Photo: the Museum of plans-reliefs

The Museum of plans-reliefs, located in the Invalides, is a phenomenon in the age of 3D visualization unusual and curious. It contains three-dimensional model of fortresses, ports, cities, in former times required for planning military campaigns.

The tradition of creating models for which the generals were able to provide details of future battles, was born in Europe in the XVI century. Collection of Louis XIV appeared in 1668 at the initiative of the Minister of war, louvois. In based on a three-dimensional map of the recently conquered strongholds of Spain in Flanders – they were prepared under the guidance of an outstanding military engineer Sebastian Le Prêtre de Vauban. Relief maps, delivered in the Louvre, made a strong impression on the king. Louis ordered to create the same models of the most important defensive areas of the realm.

New models were created during the war of the Austrian succession (1741-1748). Initially they were kept in the Louvre, but were here art Museum needed more space, and in 1777 plans and reliefs moved to the loft of the Invalides. Here the Museum is located now.

New impetus to the development of volumetric military plans gave Napoleon. Gunner, he knew their value. The Emperor ordered to create layouts of strategically important objects: Brest, Cherbourg, Spices. The Golden age volume plans ended in 1870, when France refused to build new fortifications.

In the Museum's collection includes 260 now skillfully executed models of real objects, 100 of them are in the halls and available for review. The Museum features 28 plans-reliefs of the French fortifications along the English channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, the Pyrenees. At the time these models were strictly secret, in the age of satellites and Google Maps they seem wonderful huge toys.

Plans are made, usually in 1/600 scale. Build them in a single copy, under the guidance of engineers-surveyors skilled craftsmen. The terrain is formed of papier-mache, the earth was represented by a thin coating of sand on the glue, the grass was made of finely chopped green silk. House cut out small blocks of lime and artfully painted. As a result before the king and his marshals lying depicts in minute detail the theater of operations. Looking at it, it was good to introduce the future victory.

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