Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas Photo: Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas

Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas is one of the most beautiful, impressive and memorable sights of Liepaja. The construction of the temple began in June 1900. This was done by the defense Ministry of Russia. And after 3 years the Emperor Nicholas II and his family participated in the consecration of the Cathedral. The idea of its creation belongs to the famous Petersburg architect V. I. Kosyakov. The outline of the temple like a ship, and at the base of the cross depicts an anchor, representing a symbol of hope in a troubled sea of life.

St. Nicholas Cathedral stands on a high base made of concrete, Sandstone and granite. The walls are made of brick red and overlaid on top curly yellow brick, interlocking fancy patterns. The temple has 5 domes: the Central and 4 small, representing Jesus and the apostles 4. Above the main entrance to the temple is a tall bell tower, which is reminiscent of John the Baptist, proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

The main altar and the entire Cathedral was consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. For sailors Nicholas the Wonderworker from time immemorial is considered the patron Saint and intercessor. The South aisle altar was consecrated in honor of the Theophany (Epiphany). North – in honor of St. Alexis, the miracle worker who lived in the XIV century. Four of the pediment of the Cathedral is decorated with inscriptions from the Holy Scriptures in the Church Slavonic language and icons of mosaic, made of gold. And they are made by craftsmen from St. Petersburg.

Inside the Cathedral there are 4 arched intersecting arches that hold the arch with a Central dome and drum. Such architectural works significantly increases interior space and provides the opportunity to observe the service from any place of the temple. The interior of the Church is great. This gilded tabernacles (special decorated locker (often winged) or glass shelf for icons), and 3 two-tiered iconostasis. On the Solea (the elevation of the floor before the altar screen or iconostasis), which is surrounded by wrought iron railings, lead 3 marble staircases (each to 3 aisles). Above the throne of marble Central altar was located gilded canopy, signifying the protection of God over the earth. 4 chandeliers in bronze hung from the cross arches and resembled the heavenly luminaries.

Archpriest Vladimir Arkhangelsky worked in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas is a very long time and was its first Abbot. In the Church came and prayed for the sailors of the squadron. Later they went far in the campaign.

In the First World war the interior of the Cathedral was badly damaged, but still rare services were held. Before the destruction of the temple of the icons and other Church things and managed to save and take in other Orthodox churches. During the great Patriotic war the Cathedral was organized by the post defense of the Germans. Bronze bells were removed. When the Soviet troops returned, the Church was given a sailor's club. Everything that ever reminded of the true purpose of the temple, were converted or destroyed.

In the late 80-ies started the movement for the return of St. Nicholas Cathedral of the Orthodox Church. June 2, 1990 (the day of memory of St. Alexis), Bishop of Riga and the Latvian Alexander, with the participation of a large number of worshippers celebrated a prayer service at the closed doors of the temple. In September 1991, after a long resistance, the military left the temple.

The first worship service was held on December 19, 1991 (new style), the feast day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Was involved in the service authorities of the city of Liepaja, the clergy, the military. Was organized a Procession and thanksgiving service. In order to quickly resume the work of the Church has made cosmetic repairs in the South (Epiphany) the chapel, prepared all that was necessary for the service. And January 6, 1992 with the blessing of the Bishop of Riga and the Latvian Alexander has committed the lesser blessing of the Church, and on January 7 – the first divine Liturgy. To this very day, service in the Church were held regularly.

Thanks to the donations of parishioners work continues on the restoration of the temple. Now the dome of the Naval Cathedral of the newly decorated with crosses.

July 20, 1997, the Archbishop of Riga and all Latvia Alexander, assisted by Liepaja and Riga clergy, was committed the great consecration of the Central altar and the entire Church. Now in the Church there is a Sunday school, not only for children but also for adults.

Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas is truly a gem of Liepaja. It is worth a look and enjoy its beauty and grandeur. As they say, better to see once...

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