Lighthouse Lanterna Photo: Lighthouse Lanterna

Lighthouse Lanterna is one of the oldest in the world, is the main lighthouse of Genoa port and one of the symbols of Genoa. In addition, it is the second highest lighthouse in the world, built of brick, - it reaches a height of 76 meters.

The lighthouse was erected on the hill of San Benigno, where once stood the monastery of the same name, near Sampierdarena – port and industrial area of Genoa. It consists of two square pieces, each of which is closed with a small ledge, and installed on top of the lantern. Once this place was a Peninsula until the shoreline was not built up and changed. Lanterna marked the entrance to the old Harbor of Genoa, now known as the Porto Antico. Over time the whole Peninsula on which the lighthouse stands, was called Capo di Faro – Cape Lighthouse. And from the hill of San Benigno today almost nothing is left of his land was used to expand the territory of the city.

According to most historical sources, the first lighthouse, which consisted of three jagged towers, was built here about 1128. It was far enough from the city for that time, and only in the 17th century the lighthouse was geographically included in the so-called Cerchia Seicentesca – the old part of Genoa. For kindling lights in those years used the dried Heather and juniper. The maintenance of the lighthouse was paid from the tax levied on ships calling at the port. For some time Lanterna played an important role in the struggle for power in the Apennine Peninsula between the Guelphs and Ghibellines – during one of the battles the Ghibellines severely damaged the lighthouse, trying to dislodge entrenched inside Guelph.

In 1326 at the lighthouse appeared first lamp, a fire which is kindled with the help of olive oil to the passing of the court could better see his light. For the same reason, in 1340, the tower was painted with the coats of arms of the city, and she began to serve as non-luminous navigation mark. Around 1400 the inside of the lighthouse has organized a prison among the prisoners were the king of Cyprus, James II and his wife. And a little later one of the keepers of the lighthouse was placed on the dome of the fish and a Golden cross as a symbol of Christianity. In the early 16th century Lanterna was seriously damaged during the war of Genoa with France and after reconstruction took the view, which has reached our days.

The construction of a new lighting system of the lighthouse began in 1778, to eliminate the consequences of its use for several centuries. In 1840 were installed rotating Fresnel lens, and the Grand opening of the renovated and modernized the lighthouse took place in 1841. The last large reconstruction work on the Lanterna was conducted in the mid-20th century after the Second World war.

Today, next to the lighthouse there is a small Museum Lantern, opened in 2006. It is possible to discover the history of Genoa and its port, and also see some unique archival documents and exhibits related to the history of navigation. Here on display portion of the Fresnel lens showing how the lighthouse. And at the base of the lighthouse you can see a marble plaque with the inscription "Jesus Christus rex venit in pace et Deus Homo factus est", preserved from 1603.

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